How to Pin
  • 06 Nov 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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How to Pin

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Article summary

Are you wanting to pin yourself or use our nodes?

Pinning yourself refers to the process of storing and maintaining data on your own nodes or local infrastructure. This method grants you full control over the content and ensures it remains accessible from your node.You'll be responsible for its persistence and availability.

Our system offers pinning your data to our nodes. This option can save you the effort of managing your own infrastructure. Although as we pin the data, you can always download the pin list and pin them in your own node.

Steps to import a pin list into IPFS

Importing a pin list into IPFS involves several steps. Pinning content ensures that it is permanently available from your node, even if it's not being actively requested by you or others.

IPFS pin list can be downloaded from the SFT website. It is a .txt document containing list of IPFS content identifiers (CID)

If you are willing to pin list into IPFS, here's a general overview of the steps to do that:

  1. Preparing Your Pin List:

    • Get the list of IPFS content identifiers (CIDs) that you want to pin.
  2. Install and Set Up IPFS:

    • If you haven't already installed IPFS, you can download and install it from the official website or use package managers like Homebrew (for macOS) or Chocolatey (for Windows). Follow the installation instructions for your specific operating system.
  3. Start IPFS Daemon:

    • Start the IPFS daemon by running ipfs daemon in your terminal or command prompt. This will start your local IPFS node.
  4. Add Content to IPFS:

    • Use the ipfs add command to add the content you want to pin. For instance, if you have a file with a list of CIDs, you can add each CID to your IPFS node by running the command:
      ipfs pin add
      To pin all the CIDs listed in the file that was downloaded from the website, you can use the following command:
      cat Ipfs_pin_list.txt | ipfs pin add
  5. Verify Pins:

    • After adding the content, you can verify that it's pinned by running:
      ipfs pin ls --type=recursive

    This will list all recursively pinned items on your node. Make sure the CIDs you added are listed.

  6. Managing Pins:

    • You can manage your pinned content using various IPFS commands, like adding more content, removing content, or checking the status of pinned items.

Remember to keep your IPFS node running to maintain the availability of the content you've pinned. Additionally, be mindful of the resources consumed by your node, especially if pinning a large number of items.

Please note that pinning content locally on your node doesn't replicate it across the IPFS network. Other nodes won't automatically host content that's only pinned on your local node. To ensure broader availability, consider using IPFS cluster or other mechanisms to replicate your content across multiple nodes in the IPFS network.

Pin Promts

IPFS uses IP addressed to identify each file connecting IPFS hosts globally. IPFS is a public network so anyone can run it and pin their content. You can learn more about pinning here. Anyone can run their own IPFS node and pin their own content (the node is a computer).

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