What is the Members page?
  • 17 Nov 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

What is the Members page?

  • Dark

Article summary

The 'Member check' page is used by the public and Tierer role. For the public, it's a place to search addresses that have been made valid to use that token by it's smart contract; it's a 'yes, no' list in that regard.

The Tierer role has access to altering the 2 top fields; 'Contract address' and 'Minimum tierer'.'Check address on the tier list' is used by anyone (the picture below is from the Tierer's perspective, the public will simply see what contract address is being used).


(Tierer) role is in charge of setting the smart contract (that's changed by putting a new addess in the 'contract address' field). By changing the address, this is choosing to point to a particular smart contract that has a specific list of addresses that are valid or not.

So the default is that there is no smart contact; everybody (anyone who goes on the website) will be on the list.

'Contract address' field

Only the Tierer role is able to edit the field, this will change the smart contract it's attached to. You can see what contract is set - on the Blockchain and in the user interface (UI).

But how do I get a new smart contract attached to an address?

Every smart contract has an address associated with it.

How do I write a smart contract?

Look forward to an easy way to get that done, by using Rain. In the mean time, you'll need a solididy developer, they cost roughly 500 thousand dollars a year, minimum, so learning Rain is a good idea!

We're actually really excited to use Rain for the 'Member check' page because instead of only being a 'yes no' check, we can write a Rainlang expression that will show up to tell you why someone's on the list or not, for example if they hold a specific NFT that represents something.

'Minimum tier' field

The Tierer role can put numbers between 1-8 here, this represents tiers (The tier contract can set up to 8 tiers for each user). The public can see this field but they can't edit it.

Hang on what's tier?

If you think of a membership system often you're not just a member or not, usually it's 'gold, silver or bronze' levels. We're giving the levels a number basically. So if for example gold membership was tier 3 and you wanted to restrict your gold token to gold members, then you would set the minumin tier at 3.

Why 8?

Because that's how much we can fit on the blockchain without paying more gas. No secret meaning there.

What is the difference between the ERC20 and ERC115 sections on the members page?

Because there's a tier section for each of those contracts; you can have differnt membership lists for those two different types of tokens.

What happens when you press 'check'?

It looks up wherater that address is valid on the contact via the blockchain.

Example case of using the Members page

Say there was some kind of sanctions on Russia, you could set up a system where it would be impossible to send tokens to anybody in Russia if you could create some contract that knew who was in Russia or not. That's the kind of thing the EU and America are pushing very hard to make a legal requirement on tokens.

If you want to make a token that represents something in the real world, you will need to put information like this in the token because governments are not going to be happy if you say "oh I have a token that's represents gold and it's all owned by North Koreans and Russians" they're not going to accept if you don't have the proper restrictions in place.

So basically we give the people who own the token the tools that they need to manage all this but we don't do anything with it ourselves at SFT. This screen is a check, it's neutral; it says if that person on the list or not and it doesn't know why.

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